četrtek, 28. marec 2013

Your task

Read this strip and make a strip for the topic you have just read about. Click here!

You can also make a movie about it, here.

sreda, 13. marec 2013

Jean Monnet

Take a look at the following film and follow the instructions.

Jean Monnet

In pairs browse the following Internet site: http://www.epf.uni-mb.si/vseziv_izobrazevanje/Jean_Monnet/EU4YOU/ucilnica_os/Zdru%C5%BEeni%20v%20razli%C4%8Dnosti.pdf

Then, find out:

- how many countries are there in the EU?
- how many languages do we speak?
- how many different religions are there?
- how many people live in the EU?
- what money is used the EU?

and make a PPT presentation about it.

sreda, 19. december 2012

Govorni nastop

Tvoja naloga je izdelati program potovanja, torej navesti destinacijo (kraj potovanja), aktivnosti v času potovanja (ogledi in prosti čas), trajati mora najmanj 5 dni ter opis znamenitosti, ki si jih boš ogledal/a. Upoštevati je treba realne časovne zahteve, to pomeni, da je treba izbrati prevoz (letalo, bus, ladja, vlak, avto) in upoštevati njegovo trajanje, enako pri razporedu dneva, razmisli kaj je fizično izvedljivo. Prav tako je potrebno preveriti razpoložljivost nastanitve (hotelov) ter njihove cene. Ne pozabit na letne čase na samem kraju in vremenske posebnosti!

Pri brskanju si pomagaj s spletnimi stranmi posameznih držav in mest,  letalskih ponudnikov (letalske.si ali adria.si), hotelskih storitev, avtobusnih prevoznikov, železnic ali spletnih vodnikov kot naprimer Lonely planet. Pri prevajanju NE uporabljaj Googlovega prevajalnika temveč PONS slovar, katerega povezavo najdeš v stolpcu na desni.

Kdor se želi potegovati za 5, mora izdelati še brošuro, ki mora na začetku vsebovati opis s ključnimi besedami (destinacija, čas potovanja, trajanje, cena, kaj zajema cena), kratek povzetek celotne poti ter opis po dnevih. 
Vsi pa morate izdelati kakršnokoli predstavitev, torej plakat ali powerpoint ali karkoli druga se spomniš in ti bo pri govornem nastopu v oporo in pomoč. Pri predstavitvi moraš uporabiti vsaj en knjižni vir, prepisovanje  (kopiranje) iz interneta ali od drugod je prepovedano in bo kaznovano. Če izdeluješ elektronsko predstavitev, jo moraš poslati v pregled. Dane popravke je potrebno upoštevati. 

Upoštevaj in se drži roka, ki je 8.1.2013! Če pa kdo želi, lahko predstavi že prej.

Bodi izviren in pusti domišljiji prosto pot!

sreda, 5. december 2012

Is this real?

Writing task

Hampton Court Palace is a royal palace about 20 km from London. It is said to be haunted by Jane Seymour and Catherine Howard, two wives of King Henry VIII. Find out more about it on the Internet. Write two paragraphs (about 120–150 words altogether) in which Jane Seymour and Catherine Howard tell their stories and why they come back as ghosts. Send your story to my e-mail address: ines.jarh@gmail.com.

sreda, 28. november 2012

The importance of dreams

1. Think about what you know about dreams and dreaming. Write down your thoughts in your notebook.

2. When you have done that, think about what you would like to find out about dreams and dreaming. Write at least 3 questions.

3. Now, read the text in the book: The importance of dreams. As usual, take three coloured pencils: red, green and blue. You know the drill! Read and mark the text!

4. After you have read the text, go back to your notes and see if your thoughts from the beginning match with what you have just read about.

5. Look up the new words in the dictionary or talk to your classmates about the meaning of the words.

6. Do the exercise 2 in the book. And check your answers with your classmates.

7. Then go to your questions and see if you got your answers.If not, for the questions you haven't got the answers to, look up the answers in the Internet, for your homework.