četrtek, 28. marec 2013

Your task

Read this strip and make a strip for the topic you have just read about. Click here!

You can also make a movie about it, here.

sreda, 13. marec 2013

Jean Monnet

Take a look at the following film and follow the instructions.

Jean Monnet

In pairs browse the following Internet site: http://www.epf.uni-mb.si/vseziv_izobrazevanje/Jean_Monnet/EU4YOU/ucilnica_os/Zdru%C5%BEeni%20v%20razli%C4%8Dnosti.pdf

Then, find out:

- how many countries are there in the EU?
- how many languages do we speak?
- how many different religions are there?
- how many people live in the EU?
- what money is used the EU?

and make a PPT presentation about it.